  • Background

  • Necessity of sterilizing fresh agricultural products
    Problems of existing agricultural products distribution process


      Problem 1.

      Biological and chemical pollution Cannot be removed, Safety also cannot be secured


      Problem 2.

      Of safety during distribution Provided by the supplier Only verified by Documents such as pesticide residue inspection


      Problem 3.

      In the process of delivery to consumers, various spraying practices of pesticides are conducted to increase the freshness of fresh vegetables at the stage of harvesting.


      Problem 4.

      In the pretreatment stage before final delivery The cleaning work performed is also unsanitary Occuring frequently

    To solve these problems,
    The sterilization system aims to eliminate the risk of fresh produce.
  • Sterilization Technology development
    Remove hazards Pesticides, viruses, Heavy metals, etc.

  • Ozone water sterilization technology